Attention: Entrepreneurs, Funnel Hackers, And Business Owners!

Discover the Easy Button To Get Paid For What You Know And Stand Out As The #1 Expert In Your Market... Without Getting Lost In All The Online Noise!"

This is a message for every entrepreneur, funnel hacker, and business owner who wants to increase exposure and sales... but can't figure out the exact path to do it.
 WAIT! Before You Read On...
The sales message you’re about to read (including the above headline) was created with Funnel Scripts and the “Experts Secrets Scripts” package…
The exact same time-saving, high converting copywriting  scripts and software that we’re selling in this letter. 

Some final edits were made to include things that I remembered to put in after I generated the first draft with the software, and to make some formatting and grammar tweaks.  

I’m eating my own cooking here, to prove to you just how effective, irresistible, and invaluable this product is for your funnels… and how it can completely transform your business.
I purposely did not hire an expensive copywriter to write this…

Because I’m CONFIDENT that this “Experts Secrets Scripts” letter will generate tons of sales and new customers…

AND can do the same for you in YOUR BUSINESS.
So if you feel that the following sales letter falls short of anything that YOU can write or create for your offer, product, or service...
 ...then don’t buy this.
If you feel a sales message like this couldn’t generate more leads, sales and subscribers for your business than the copy you can write on your own...
...then PLEASE take a pass on this.
But if you want a proven, push-button tool that empowers you to write a crazy awesome, customized sales letter like this one...
in less than 2 hours...
for any product or service you want...

then take a HARD LOOK

AT THIS now!

I’m Jim Edwards...
the co-creator of Funnel Scripts.
I’ve helped literally hundreds of thousands of people around the world set up their websites, write their sales copy, sell their products, and drive traffic online for more than 22 years.

I'm here to tell you the TRUTH about writing sales copy and creating effective sales messages based on Russell’s #1 International bestselling book, “Expert Secrets.”
My guess is that you bought a copy of “Expert Secrets” because:
  • You want to know HOW to quickly become THE expert and authority in your market…  Which means people will follow you, ask you for advice, and BUY from you. 
  • You have a deep DESIRE to stand out from the competition… while at the same time you don’t want to get lost in all the online noise and clutter. 
  • Becoming the recognized, go-to expert in your niche is the BIG goal when you’re looking to transform and impact lives.
And here’s something that should make you feel great...
You Already ARE
An Expert.
But before I get into that, you should be aware of some major challenges that lie ahead.

I’m not going to sugarcoat a thing... I’m going to be very transparent and upfront with you.
Here's the biggest problem you may find yourself facing right now...
It's your inability to write compelling, persuasive sales copy to get your "expert" message across to the masses.
But that's not the end of the problem. It actually gets worse! Why? 

Because if you can't communicate exactly WHY people should follow you and buy from you, it’s going to be a real uphill battle from the very start!

Which means your unique message will never get shared with the world (and that would be a real shame).
But the most MISUNDERSTOOD thing of all is this...

Most entrepreneurs and business owners think that building your online reputation as an expert takes years and costs hundreds of thousands of dollars
But That’s NOT The Case At All!
Let Me Explain...
When you position yourself as THE EXPERT and AUTHORITY in your market, you’ll build your list of followers faster AND sell way more products than you ever dreamed possible.

That’s exactly what Russell did when he started ClickFunnels, and the reason the company...and Russell’s brand...grew so fast (to over $100,000,000 in just 3 years)!
See, the key is to get your message right.
And messaging is all about SALES COPY
The words you use to get people to happily pay you for your advice and expertise. 
A Quick Story
Knowing how critical copy is to ANY business (make or break, as a matter of fact), and then reading Russell’s book, sparked something in me…

Where I KNEW I could help countless entrepreneurs and Funnelhackers just like you get your story and message out to your audience. 
Here’s what happened...
A few years ago I was trying to figure out how to translate Russell's new book, Expert Secrets, into Funnel Scripts (our copywriting software that makes creating sales copy, ads, emails, and other content push-button simple).

I’d done very well creating the scripts from DOTCOM Secrets... and our software was selling like gangbusters.
The big problem I faced with Expert Secrets was that many of Russell’s concepts were so new and innovative that I got lost trying to translate everything into Funnel Scripts.

I hate to admit it, but at the beginning, these new Expert Secrets scripts didn't work very well in a lot of different scenarios. (Fortunately, Russell didn’t know I was actually trying to convert his book into software, so I wasn’t under the gun from him.) 
Then, One Morning at 4:12 am…
A Lightbulb Turned On For Me
Then something happened. I started paying attention to Russell's "intention" with each secret rather than the exact words he used.
A little voice inside my head told me to keep things simple when it came to analyzing Russell's secrets and turning them into scripts. 

Instantly, it became crystal clear to me how to translate Russell's intention with each script into a series of easy questions anyone can answer about their product, niche, and target audience. 
I could finally take all the high-level scripts from the Expert Secrets Book and make them accessible to everyone.
My ultimate plan was to plug all the Expert Secrets Scripts into the Funnel Scripts software engine.

So, I dissected all the scripts and turned them into code.
We then tested the scripts across a wide range of industries and niches.
I had to be absolutely certain that all the scripts worked before releasing them to the public.

So, I started letting beta testers inside the Funnel Scripts membership use the new Expert Secrets scripts for their businesses.
Bottom line: In the end, we helped those members create their sales copy and scripts from the Expert Secrets Book much faster, and more effectively than they could ever possibly do on their own.

Building on that success, we rolled the Expert Secrets Scripts out to the thousands of other Funnel Scripts users.
The result…
With Expert Secrets Scripts you can now create ALL of the scripts Russell teaches inside of the Expert Secrets book in single day (without breaking a sweat).

Folks without these scripts will spend weeks slaving away at the keyboard…

And not get nearly as good results as you (if any)!

And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you!
So, here's what we've got
for you today...
If you're an entrepreneur, funnel hacker, or business owner who really wants to:
  • Shine like a diamond as an Expert
  • ​Boost your presence
  • ​Increase exposure
  • Attract hordes of loyal fans and subscribers
  • Skyrocket sales
  • Position yourself as THE AUTHORITY in your market...
Then the “Expert Secrets Scripts” package is your fast-track ticket to success.
Hear What These Entrepreneurs Have
To Say About Funnel Scripts
Here’s What You Can Expect
"Expert Secrets Scripts" Helps You To:
  • Instantly position yourself as THE Expert in your niche…
  • Quickly implement all the incredible secrets Russell reveals inside the Expert Secrets book…
  • ​Profitably build your expert status online faster and easier
  • ​Use Russell's amazing million-dollar “Perfect Webinar” sales strategies (that work in virtually any niche)...
  • Create all the persuasive sales messages you want (and need) so you get paid for your knowledge and advice…
  • Get your expertise out into the world to attract followers and fans in record numbers…
  • ​... and much, MUCH more!
And best of all... you'll start seeing results with the "Expert Secrets Scripts" in just minutes…

AND costs less than dinner for four at a crummy chain "buffet" restaurant (you know the one).

So if you're someone who wants to be recognized in your market as THE Expert, understand this:
  • This is the absolute fastest way to get your message to market AND get results…
  • These scripts will not only save you time, but will save you tens-of-thousands of dollars over hiring an expensive copywriter…
  • You can escape the pain of sitting down and trying to crank out all the scripts from the book by hand from scratch...
Here's Exactly What You're
Going to Get With The
"Expert Secrets Scripts"

Expert Secrets Scripts


(Value: $19,000 )
This software makes it a snap to WRITE AND GENERATE ALL THE SCRIPTS inside the Experts Secrets book, which includes:

5-Minute Perfect Webinar

(Value: $5,000 )
Put the POWER of the Perfect Webinar formula to work for you with a 5 minute presentation!

Use the same principles Russell Brunson made famous with his Perfect Webinar and apply them like Jaime Cross did to sell six-figures worth of soap products using a 5-minute video.

Perfect for social media and sales funnels where you need to change minds and generate sales... FAST! 

5 Curiosity Hooks

(Value: $1,000 )
Make the promise of your NEW "Opportunity" as sexy and intriguing as possible for maximum sales and persuasion.

ASK Campaign

(Value: $1,000 )
Create the funnel copy you need to set up an ASK campaign that gets your hot market to tell you what they want so you can give to them!

Epiphany Bridge

(Value: $5,000 )
Use for sales copy, video sales letters, webinars, speaking from the stage... anywhere you need to establish rapport by telling your story in a simple, emotional, impactful, and powerful way.

SHORT Epiphany Bridge Script

(Value: $4,000 )
Based on the original Epiphany Bridge Script, this script enables you to tell your story when you’re strapped for time or space without losing impact.

Opportunity Switch Headline Title

(Value: $1,000 )
Use to create, among other things, the headline to give your Opportunity Switch Master Class a sexy title that will attract your dream customers.

The Big Domino

(Value: $1,000 )
When you can get someone to TRULY believe that your new opportunity is the key to what they want the most, and they can ONLY get it through your vehicle, then they have no other option but to buy from you. 

This script is the key to launching your movement. Belief. 

Who, What Statement

(Value: $1,000 )
Use to create the statement that defines who you will help and how.

Simple but very powerful and a KEY step in the entire Expert Secrets process!

The total value of this entire script package is $16,000

But wait...
Act Now And Get These Incredible Bonuses!
When you get the entire “Dotcom Secrets Scripts” Package, I’m also going to include these exclusive bonuses: 
 BONUS #1:

Perfect Webinar Wizard Ver 2.0

(Value: $5,000 )
  • This downloadable software wizard is your key to creating an entire Perfect Webinar sales machine presentation, including: Slide Deck, Promo materials, Emails, Ads, Closes, Offer Stack, and more!
  • ​Easily implement exactly what Russell teaches when it comes to the Perfect Webinar. This alone can launch your entire business
  • ​Start cashing in on your knowledge and expertise with the most powerful webinar selling system ever created.
 BONUS #2:

Expert Secrets Scripts Sales Letter Case Study

(Value: $2,000 )
  • This training with me and my copywriter friend, Dean, makes it a snap to see how quickly and easily you can create a sales letter (the exact one you’re reading now) using the Expert Secrets Scripts
  • ​Duplicate our results in your own business.
  • ​See exactly how to translate the "Expert Secrets" teachings into real-world sales copy right before your eyes.
The value of these bonuses…$7,000.

The TOTAL value of the entire Expert Secrets Scripts package is

And it’s well worth every penny.

But because you’re an Expert Secrets owner and have taken action to boost your business by discovering how to become the expert you were meant to be…

I’d like to reward you.

You won’t pay $26,000, you won’t pay $2, won’t even pay $260.

When you act RIGHT NOW, you can get the Experts Secrets Scripts PLUS the bonus for only $97!
That’s it. Just 97 bucks.
Just click the button below and you’ll get instant access to the entire package. 

...for only $97

Try The Expert Secrets Scripts
100% Risk Free
I’m so confident you’re going to LOVE the Expert Secrets Scripts Package, that’ I’m going to take on ALL the risk. You’ve got nothing to lose.

Here’s my promise to you... 
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • If "Expert Secrets Scripts" doesn't help you to position yourself as THE Expert in your niche... 
  • If it doesn't help you to quickly implement all the incredible secrets Russell reveals inside the Expert Secrets book...
  • ​If it fails to create all the persuasive sales messages you want (and need) to get paid for knowledge and advice... 
Then we'll refund your money, No Questions Asked! 
All the risk is squarely on our shoulders.

You have nothing to lose and all the success to gain with your copy of The Expert Secrets Scripts!
Here’s Everything
You Get Today
  • 5-Minute Perfect Webinar ($5,000 value)
  • 5 Curiosity Hooks Script ($1,000 Value)
  • ASK Campaign Script ($1,000 Value)
  • Epiphany Bridge Script ($5,000 Value)
  • SHORT Epiphany Bridge Script ($4,000 Value)
  • ​Opportunity Switch Headline Title Script ($1,000 Value)
  • The Big Domino ($1,000 Value)
  • Who, What Statement Script ($1,000 Value)
  • ​BONUS #1: Perfect Webinar Wizard Ver 2.0 ($5,000 Value)
  • BONUS #2: Expert Secrets Scripts Sales Letter Case Study ($2,000 Value)
But today, you're getting all of this...


 Step 1: Contact Information
Full Name:
Email Address:
 Step 2: Billing Information
Billing Address:
Credit Card Number:
Item amount
Expert Secrets Scripts$97.00
Order Total:$97.00
Become the Expert you were meant to be. It’s time to step into your power and let your audience and people know what you have to offer.

They’re WAITING for you!

In the words of Tears For Fears, “Shout...Shout...Let It All Out!”

It’s time to get PAID for your expertise and advice awhole bunches.

Here's to your success with the Expert Secrets Scripts!

Jim Edwards 

Co-Creator Funnel Scripts 

PS - If you're sick and tired of your inability to write sales copy to get your "expert" message out into the world, then Expert Secrets Scripts is the solution you've been looking for... let's get started today!
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